lululemon Gender Expansive Footwear
September 2022 - December 2022
Independently conducted 4-month long research project exploring future avenues of approaching gender at lululemon footwear — resulting in a pitch deck that was presented live & distributed to executives as well as the creation of a 6-week long Inclusive Design workshop required of the entire footwear team.
September 2022 - December 2022
Independently conducted 4-month long research project exploring future avenues of approaching gender at lululemon footwear — resulting in a pitch deck that was presented live & distributed to executives as well as the creation of a 6-week long Inclusive Design workshop required of the entire footwear team.
_Independently researched subject matter across scientifc papers, articles & trend research
_Maintained neat organization of research documents & materials
_Insighted energy on topic across organziation that lead to mandatory programming & change
_Presented to executives
_Maintained neat organization of research documents & materials
_Insighted energy on topic across organziation that lead to mandatory programming & change
_Presented to executives
Individuals interviewed
across the internal organziation
While in their Footwear Design office for the summer of 2022, I also worked on material tech packs, such as the one to view below.