AR Tefillin
May 2022

Due to my interest in modernizing Jewish connective rituals, I explored the materiality & ownership of the mitzvah (commandment) of wrapping one’s arm in Tefillin (ritual leather strip) -- by creating an image activated ritual through AR. 

Skills Used

Lofi Prototyping 


I first started by experimenting in SparkAR with a Rhino
model I had already made -- the classic 1930s Cesca
Chair (which you can now find as an Instagram filter).

Once I knew how to move a Rhino model into an
AR program,  I knew I could try different activation methods.

From here, I tried different contrast mapping in order to see which images were the easiest for an iPhone camera to detect.

I specifically wanted to use the Hebrew letter Shin as the detection image, due to its close assosiation with the prayer, the Shema, that the Tefillin are are mentioned in the Torah (bible) by

I also tried varying placements
of the image in order to create
a more accurate placement of
the strap on the arm, ultimately 
settling on the middle of the arm.

Final video here 

I hope to continue to explore the experimental intersection betwee technology and Jewish ritual practices. Specifically, in this project, I see this as an example of an entry into making Jewish practices more accessible for Jews with less conservative or traditional backgrounds.